Just a few days after the unexpected news about a film on subtitling and subtitlers, another subtitler is the subject of a very nice article published in The Globe and Mail. Once again, the title revolves around (in)visibility and the apparent contradiction of placing subtitles over a screen and trying to keep them unnoticed: “The art of the film subtitler: How to be as unnoticeable as possible“. (I have to admit I’m extremely grateful that they refrained from repeating the puns around being lost/found in translation.)

What is explained there is not news for those who work in this industry, but there’s plenty of interesting (and not so obvious) information for the general public. A good deal is said about the technical challenges, and overall the text praises this experienced and dedicated specialized translator –Robert Gray– and even mentions rates, which is unusual.

I wonder if it’s just a coincidence that subtitles and subtitlers are being more noticed, and in such positive ways. Could it be just the coming Oscars or is there something else in the background?